Teens Losing Together


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Email Support List

Welcome to the Teen Weight Watchers Email Support List!

Hello and welcome to the support list page. The support list is here to help teens on their weight-loss journey with the Weight Watchers program.

If you would like to join the teenslosingtogether email support list. ( I suggest you get a separate email addy from lycos or hotmail or yahoo to handle the bulk of mail since there are will be alot of members on the email support group, and you will get a lot of emails a day in the future full of support, advice, recipes, ideas etc.
If you would like to join the list just fill out the form below:

To send a message - send an email to: teenslosingtogether@topica.com

To subscribe: See Form Below

To unsubscribe: See the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any message.

THANKS SO MUCH and I hope to see you on the list.

Enter your email to join the TEEN LIST today!


Hosted By Topica

If you are an adult - or would like to join the main (adult) list, than go to http://www.losingtogether.com/ - or fill out the form below for the ADULT (MAIN) LIST only! :) Thanks...

Enter your email to join the ADULT (MAIN) LIST today!


Hosted By Topica